The latest season of Bridgerton aired on May 16th and it is already off to an intriguing start. The first four episodes had no shortage of tea, that is, the beverage and a juicy plot. It is not too surprising to discover the many references to tea made in the show, since tea has been a beloved brew in Britain for centuries. According to a BBC article entitled, How tea conquered Britain, tea was first introduced to England in the 1650’s.
The other tea that is brewing in season 3, is the budding romance between Penelope Featherington and Collin Bridgerton. For those of us who have followed the show since season 1, you might appreciate Penelope finally finding love. In her third season out, this year seems be her luckiest of all. We’ll be on the look out for notable tea references made throughtout the sesaon.
As we await the next episodes to be released, here is a tea recipe that was inspired by the show. The recipe is a London Fog made with Steepers Only Slumber Party tea. Save 20% off through the end of May with code BRIDGERTON. Check out our latest instagram post on this recipe and follow us @steepersonly.
2/4 C Steepers Only Slumber Party Tea
3/4 C Black Tea (I used Assam, but traditionally this tea is made with Earl Grey)
1/4 C International Delight Berries and Creme – Bridgerton Edition